International Neuromodulation Society Membership
The advantages of International Neuromodulation Society (INS) membership include but are not limited to:
- Participation in the fastest growing, multidisciplinary and representative worldwide body dedicated to the scientific development of neuromodulation and its knowledge dissemination.
- The International Neuromodulation Society's journal, Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface - the preeminent journal about neuromodulation science and application, publishing timely, rigorously peer-reviewed articles on the state-of-the-art clinical, translational and basic science research. Members receive the print and online journal, including online access to over 24 years of archived content.
- Web content exclusively for members, providing access to archived conference content, customizable patient handouts, expert discussions, and a member directory of worldwide colleagues.
- Live and recorded webinars with an opportunity for members to earn CME credit.
- Live and recorded virtual journal clubs with an opportunity for members to earn CME credit.
- The Neuromodulation Podcast, a new program sharing the voices of neuromodulation with the world as we expand the impact and reach of our society.
- Participation in formal mentorship programs through our Young Neuromodulators Committee and International Women in Neuromodulation Committee, iWIN.
- The opportunity to list your clinic in the INS website public directory.
- Clinical trials listings of INS member research.
- Registration discounts to chapter annual scientific meetings and biennial INS world congresses.
- Interaction with engineers, scientists, and clinicians contributing to development of new and expanding therapeutic options.
- News updates to stay abreast of developments in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field.
- Assistance with issues of access, reimbursement and clinical governance.
- Where a regional chapter society exists, the applicant can join the chapter society and automatically become a member of the INS, thus enjoying benefits from both.
- Opportunities to join INS committees and volunteer to make active contributions to continued growth in the field and improvements in patient care.
How to Join the INS The International Neuromodulation Society has the following regional chapters. If you reside in a country represented by a regional chapter, please click on the appropriate chapter link to complete your form online. If no chapter exists for your location, please click on "International Neuromodulation Society - Global". To renew, please see the renewal page.
Please contact the INS Administrator with any questions.
Please see the renewal page for renewals.

Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface - Journal of the International Neuromodulation Society MEDLINE Indexed!
INS Newsletter

Last Updated on Tuesday, March 05, 2024 06:02 PM |