INS Board of Directors and Committees
The INS has a Full Board and an Executive Board. The Full Board that includes all the Executive Board Officers, the national chapter presidents and Directors at Large meets once a year. In addition, the Executive Board meets once a year and holds two further telephone conference meetings per year. The term of office for each member is detailed in the INS bylaws and in the bylaws of each national chapter society. The Full Board of Directors consists of Executive Board Members serving as officers: President, Past President or President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of Neuromodulation, journal of the International Neuromodulation Society, and such other officers whose positions shall be created from time to time by the Directors. The remainder of the Full Board is composed of each National Chapter President and Directors at Large, the latter of which shall not exceed five. Listed below are some of the responsibilities and functions of the various bodies that make up the board and general membership.
Executive Board
- Perform the work and duties of the Full Board
- Prepare for ratification by the Full Board of all major and significant decisions.
- Act as a nominating committee for persons drawn from the Full Board for executive officer position.
- The President shall produce his or her own nominating committee for election of Directors at Large.
- Present the annual report and accounts at annual general meeting.
The Full Board
- Vote and ratify changes in society’s bylaws
- Vote on nominated candidates for membership of Executive Board
The National Chapter
- Ensure that the bylaws of the national chapter are in agreement with those of the INS.
- Elect and support the president (or other officer) of the national chapter to attend the annual Full Board meeting.
The Directors at Large
- Attend and contribute at the Full Board meeting and provide expert advice as required.
The General Membership
- The general membership can nominate qualified write-in candidates for Director at Large
- Vote on all candidates for the positions of Directors at Large
The Committees
1. Research and Scientific Oversight This committee is charged with identifying and vetting research proposals for the INS Research Initiative, along with participating in the INS’s scientific endeavors — such as recommendation development. Duties include working with the INS Board on important publications and projects to advance the field, and with the society president to choose important topics for best practice development.
2. Finance and Resource In collaboration with the INS Executive Officers and Office, this committee is tasked with fiduciary responsibility to develop an investment committee charter and investment plan to ensure the Society’s ongoing financial stability and compliance with accepted standards.
3. Interim Meetings In collaboration with the INS Executive Committee, this committee is responsible for vetting and selecting future venues of the INS Interim Meetings, and for developing the scientific program with the local organizers.
4. Biennial Congress Program In partnership with the INS Executive Committee, Office and Congress Organizer, this committee vets and selects venues of the INS Biennial Congress, enlists section chairs, and participates in development of the scientific program.
5. Globalization This committee will develop a scholarship or educational program to help individuals in developing countries launch new neuromodulation practices. The program may also help subsidize memberships to provide access to the journal and other membership benefits to those who cannot afford them. These committee members will also serve as ambassadors for the field as they interact with their colleagues around the world.
6. Public Education, Outreach and Website In collaboration with the INS’s Public Education and Website Manager, this committee’s focus is on neuromodulation outreach and the development of educational material for the INS website and all electronic messaging, including social media.
7. Education and CME In collaboration with the INS Executive Director, this committee has responsibility to ensure the commercial independence of all of the INS’s educational endeavors, and compliance with ACCME, EACCME and other regional criteria.
8. Membership and Chapter Creation Members of this committee serve as the INS’s ambassadors to recruit new members and assist with the formation of new regional chapters in accordance with INS criteria. This committee is expected to work closely with the globalization committee to develop new chapters and gain new members to regional societies and the INS.
9. International Women in Neuromodulation (iWin) In collaboration with the U.S. Women in Neuromodulation Committee, this committee engages and encourages women in the field of neuromodulation on a global level. The committee gives the INS guidance on these issues and will interact with other committees to advance the science and advocacy of the INS.
10. Young Neuromodulators This committee's members will engage and serve as mentors to those who are new to neuromodulation to nurture the future of the field.
11. Advocacy and Society Liaison This committee focuses on finding opportunities for and orchestrating collaboration with other like-minded organizations, and identifying opportunities for the INS to participate in therapy advocacy.
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