INS 10th World Congress - Pre-Conference - Sunday, 22 May 2011

Future Innovations in Neuromodulation: Bringing New Ideas to Market

The INS is pleased to announce "Future Innovations in Neuromodulation: Bringing New Ideas to Market," its first educational event for the neuromodulation business community, which will take place on 22 May 2011, in London, England, as part of the pre-conference of the INS 10th World Congress. The purpose of this one-day innovations seminar is to educate, foster and share; new technology, inventions, indications and company innovations that are currently being pursued and developed within the Global Neuromodulation Community.

The day will consist of:

1. Early Stage Company Presentations will be made by Presidents/CEOs/Managing Directors describing their company’s new innovations, technology, indication pursuits and goals.  Each company will have 15-20 minutes to tell their story with time for Q&A.  

2. Keynote Speakers' Luncheon:

  •  “Rules of the Road for Intellectual Property and Inventors” – Ben Pless

  •  “Alternative Funding Possibilities for new Neuromodulation Technologies?” – Hunter Peckham

The luncheon speakers will educate all participants on two critical components of the innovation process.

3. Venture Capitalist Panel will allow the audience to listen and understand what these companies do, how they assess new company innovations and what are the determining factors in gaining and/or losing VC funding in today’s challenging financial world.

4. Large Device Company Panel will describe their role in the innovations process and discuss what they look for and how they determine best opportunities when considering partnership, equity interests and/or acquisition of early stage companies.

5. Networking The day will include a series of breaks to visit new company booths and to meet with emerging company and investment leaders in our field.

6. Reception The Innovations Day will be followed by the INS Congress Welcome Reception and will provide additional opportunities to meet with the people who are shaping the future of Neuromodulation.

We expect that all seminar participants will enjoy learning more about how innovation occurs, is funded and ultimately reaches the marketplace. They will leave the conference with a greater appreciation and understanding of the tremendous opportunity and challenges that face the inventors, innovators, investors and large commercial partners in our exciting and fast growing field.

Preliminary Schedule

7.30 - 8.00 Continental Breakfast

8.00 - 9:30 Emerging Company Panel 1

9.30 - 10.00 Break with Exhibition and Networking

10.00 - 11.30 Emerging Company Panel 2

11.45 - 13.15 Lunch and Keynote Presentations

13.30 - 15.00 Emerging Company Panel 3

15.00 - 15.30 Break with Exhibition and Networking

15.30 - 16.30 Investor Panel Presentations and Discussion

16.30 - 17.30  Large Device Manufacturer Panel

17.30 Adjourn

18.30 Exhibits and Networking, INS Opening Reception

Last Updated on Thursday, December 06, 2018 08:38 PM