Indonesia Neuromodulation Society - Home


The Indonesia Neuromodulation Society, a chapter of INS, formed in 2021, following a meeting in East Java, with 20 members who include orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, anasthesiologists, neurologists, general practitioners, nurse, and occupational health doctors. The chapter's goal is to cover and engage all practitioners in the neuromodulation intervention field in Indonesia.

Office : Jalan Bakti No.23, Sukajadi Bandung Jawa Barat
Contact Person : WA Only 0819 1984 7771
Email : [email protected]

Executive Officers
Alif Noeriyanto Rahman, MD, SpOT, FIPP, CIPS President

Dr Ahmad Imron, MD, SpBS (K), M.Kes Vice President for Development of Functional and Stereostatic

Herry Herman, MD, SpOT, Ph.D Vice President For Direction of Science

Dadang Rukanta, MD, SpOT, M.Kes Vice President for Public Relations

Henny Widyastuti, MD, SpAn, M.Kes, FIPM Vice President for Direction of Intrathecal Block Therapy

Board Officers
Carli, MD, MPH (OH), CPH, COHC Society Administrator/Organization Liaison Officer

Muhammad Tsani Arsyad, MD, SpOT, M.Kes Secretary

Amir Purnama Sidi,MD SpOT, AIFO-K Vice Secretary

Johny Sulistio, MD, Ph.D Membership Administrator

Nurshrotul Lailiyya, MD, SpS (K), Sp Akp Treasurer

Dr. Lisda Amalia, MD., SpS (K) Vice Treasurer